File Operations

The Windows shell offers functionality (exposed via Explorer) to allow files to be copied, renamed and deleted. This includes features such as an animated progress display, automatic renaming on conflict (“Copy of…”) and the ability to use the Recycle Bin.


Three functions are exposed with very similar signatures:

winshell.copy_file(source_path, target_path, allow_undo=True, no_confirm=False, rename_on_collision=True, silent=False, extra_flags=0, hWnd=None)

Use shell functionality to copy a file, optionally with animation, collision renaming and specifying a window to run against.

  • source_path – a single or a list of simple or wildcard file specifications
  • target_path – a single or a list of simple or wildcard file or folder specifications
  • allow_undo – whether to enable Explorer to reverse this operation
  • no_confirm – whether to overwrite a file without asking
  • rename_on_collision – whether to generate an automatically-renamed alternative when the target_path already exists
  • silent – whether to hide the animated display
  • extra_flags – an integer which will be OR-ed into the flags parameter of SHFileOperation
  • hWnd – against which window handle to display any animated dialog
winshell.move_file(source_path, target_path, allow_undo=True, no_confirm=False, rename_on_collision=True, silent=False, extra_flags=0, hWnd=None)

Use shell functionality to move a file, optionally with animation, collision renaming and specifying a window to run against.

  • source_path – a single or a list of simple or wildcard file specifications
  • target_path – a single or a list of simple or wildcard file or folder specifications
  • allow_undo – whether to enable Explorer to reverse this operation
  • no_confirm – whether to overwrite a file without asking
  • rename_on_collision – whether to generate an automatically-renamed alternative when the target_path already exists
  • silent – whether to hide the animated display
  • extra_flags – an integer which will be OR-ed into the flags parameter of SHFileOperation
  • hWnd – against which window handle to display any animated dialog
winshell.rename_file(source_path, target_path, allow_undo=True, no_confirm=False, rename_on_collision=True, silent=False, extra_flags=0, hWnd=None)

Use shell functionality to rename a file, optionally with animation, collision renaming and specifying a window to run against.

param source_path:
 a single or a list of simple or wildcard file specifications
param target_path:
 a single or a list of simple or wildcard file or folder specifications
param allow_undo:
 whether to enable Explorer to reverse this operation
param no_confirm:
 whether to overwrite a file without asking
param rename_on_collision:
 whether to generate an automatically-renamed alternative when the target_path already exists
param silent:whether to hide the animated display
param extra_flags:
 an integer which will be OR-ed into the flags parameter of SHFileOperation
param hWnd:against which window handle to display any animated dialog

source_path, allow_undo=True, no_confirm=False, silent=False, extra_flags=0, hWnd=None

winshell.delete_file(source_path, allow_undo=True, no_confirm=False, silent=False, extra_flags=0, hWnd=None)

Use shell functionality to delete a file, optionally with animation, collision renaming and specifying a window to run against.

  • source_path – a single or a list of simple or wildcard file specifications
  • allow_undo – whether to enable Explorer to reverse this operation
  • no_confirm – whether to overwrite a file without asking
  • silent – whether to hide the animated display
  • extra_flags – an integer which will be OR-ed into the flags parameter of SHFileOperation
  • hWnd – against which window handle to display any animated dialog


See also

The SHFileOperation function
The SHFileOperation function on MSDN